There are some Japanese business cultures you must know when joining a company in Japan. Do you know them? DON'T WORRY! In this article we will explain and give you tips on how to do job hunting; as well as some helpful tips to live in Japan. Be a Jimoto-min aka jimomin, a local with us!
Writing a Japanese Business Email
Writing a Japanese business email might be different from writing an email in English. There are few rules you need to follow when sending an email. This can be considered part of the Japanese business manners/etiquette. It might seem difficult but the good news is there is already a format and right phrases to use at the right time, so no need to worry!
- 宛先 Email Add

Enter the recipient's email address here. But make sure to double check the email address to avoid sending it to the wrong person. You can also send the email to multiple people all at once. If you send an email using Cc (Carbon Copy), then all the receivers can see the list of recipients. If BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) is used then other recipients won't be able to see that someone else has been sent a copy of the email.
Although Bcc is not recommended to be used, in cases such as mass emails that don't require a response, BCC can be useful. Additionally, it also hides the email addresses of recipients to protect their privacy, so it can be used when sending emails such as mail magazines.
- 件名 Subject

Make sure to specify the topic on the subject area. Subject line is the first thing the recipient is going to see, therefore make sure the title is concise and comprehensible. If it is not understandable, then they might think it is spam email. Briefly, try to explain the “When”, “What” and “How” of the agenda. If it is the first time sending an email, it is better to add your name as well as the name of your company.
- 宛名 Recipient

There is a specific format when you are addressing the recipient. If you want to emphasise that you are using CC, then you can write their name with parentheses.
Company/Organization Name
Full name+様(Sama)
(CC Surname+様)
- 挨拶・名乗りIntroduction

The way to write the introduction depends on the relation between the sender and the recipients. But regardless of the relation, you must include your name, your department and your company name.
- 要旨・詳細 Details

Begin this part by writing the gist of the agenda, preferably in one sentence. By explaining why you are writing that specific email, the recipients will have a better and easier understanding of the context.
Organise the information and have an easy to read layout. There should be 20-30 characters in one line and using bullet points would also be easier to read.
- 結びの挨拶 Concluding words

The introduction started with a greeting and similarly, the conclusion will end with a greeting. Similar to an English email, there are particular phrases to use when ending an email. You can give a brief reminder or a thoughtful sentence; usually written in 謙譲語 (けんじょうご) or humble language.
- 署名 Signature

Similar to an english email, in this part, include the following:
Full name
Company Name
Contact information (TEL and/or FAX)
URL of your company and the name of the company
In some software or applications, you can set an email signature which will be automatically added when you send an email, this can save time and also reduce the chance of making errors.
It might seem that there are many rules to follow when writing a Japanese business email. However, most of the parts already have specific phrases and/or words you can use, therefore, once you know what to write, it will be easy to write!
How can we help you!
In, we offer career counselling where you can discuss your problems and understand what sort of jobs you want to do. We also have seminars which will be helpful in understanding the job hunting culture in Japan!

We aim to spread awareness and give tips and information which are not taught in school or universities. Changing residence card, what is an Entry sheet, how to reserve a moving company; we cover all sorts of topics.
Not sure what kind of job you want to do in Japan? Add us on LINE and reserve a consultation →@468fkxsm
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